June 29, 2024

Several feared dead after storey building collapses

2 min read
Several feared dead after storey building collapses

Several people reported dead after a storey building collapsed in the Kanduyi area in Bungoma County

Several people reported dead after a storey building collapsed in the Kanduyi area in Bungoma County.

According to reports, the morning incident left about five people dead with several others trapped inside the rubbles.

The building allegedly collapsed in its deconstruction by the County Government of Bungoma.

Meanwhile, a rescue team was quickly dispatched to the scene even as residents watched the unfolding from afar.

In the widely circulated videos, the building could be spotted bent on one of its sides with the lower section completely destroyed.

The incident comes after three days after another five-storey building collapsed near Naivasha villas in Uthiru.

Positively, All the occupants of a five-storey building were accounted for.

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Many parts of Kenya have been experiencing heavy rainfall that has caused devastating floods that have claimed the lives of more than 228 people, according to government figures.

Authorities in Nairobi and Kiambu counties are, however, on the record attributing the collapse of buildings to substandard workmanship, flouting construction regulations, and extending apartment floors beyond the original designs.

In November 2022, three people died after a seven-storey building collapsed in Nairobi, while 42 people died in the capital in 2019 after the collapse of a six-storey building.

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